History /
Speedway Sedans Australia’s History
Speedway Sedans Australia has a rich history, as the peak body of Sedan Car racing in Australia. Formerly known as the Australian Saloon Car Federation (ASCF), the peak body was formed in 1968. From its humble beginnings it now has six National Categories, being Junior Sedans, Street Stock, Production Sedans, Modified Sedans, Super Sedans, and as of 1 July 2011, 4 Cylinder Sedans.
The first National Sedan Title was held three years after the ASCF was formed, in Canberra 3 October 1971, won by Kevin Dalton of Victoria. Canberra, interestingly enough, have only hosted two National titles with the second being 23 years after the first in 1995.
Three years after the first Sedan Title, a second Sedan National Title would be held in 1975 for Standard Saloons. Ian Coatsworth of Victoria was successful at Warrnambool.
Sedan numbers in the 1970s were incredibly strong, witnessed by capacity crowds on Friday and Saturday nights across the Nation, with many drivers being household names.
The ASCF moved with the times, identifying it needed to keep pace changing the name of the Open Sedans, which were also known as Division 1, to Super Sedans, while Standard Saloons became better known as Modified Productions in 1984. During the mid 1980s Grand National Sedans commenced, and as an ASCF category they lasted for five to six years. Towards the end of their existance, many Super Sedan competitors dabbled in the category, as Australian drivers contemplated the left hand drive option. In the end, Super Sedans would be the drivers choice.
Other categories commenced soon after with the Technical committee of the day, forming Street Stock in 1985, with their first National Title held in 1990 at Warrnambool. The popularity of this category was instantaneous, the first National category to race in both directions. Neil Hoffman of South Australia won the first of his two National Titles at this event, winning again in 1993.
Modified Productions continued to be very strong, but budget racers could not compete at the highest level, or remain competitive. The Technical Committee then created Production Sedans, which instantly became a hit in 1996 particularly in Western Australia, who have to this day, held the bulk of the competitors. Five years after they were formed, John Higgins was successful in Mildura in the first National Production Sedan Title.
In 2000, the controlling Body had its first female President, with Denise Garratt at the helm.
The technical body, was embarking on its greatest achievement by creating Junior Sedans in the late 1990s. It took several years to formalise the specificatons which would be suitable to children between the age of 10-17. The minimum age would be standardised only in 2006. Western Australia, who have records of Junior Sedan Titles dating back to 1978, would host the first Title at the Collie Speedway in 2003. Todd Waddell of Western Australia would be successful, and would go on to win the 2004 and 2005 Titles as well.
In 2004, the Australian Saloon Car Federation, decided to change its Structure, with the President becoming the CEO, while State delegates would become Board Members with Portfolios.
The ASCF, formed in 1968 with the aim to standardise the rules for all speedway sedan divisions
Throughout Australia, had now become the largest Speedway association in Australia with over 6000 members, but didn’t have a vision statement. At the end of a strategic planning meeting, the Statement of “The ASCF is the leading governing organisation in speedway sedan racing; fostering, promoting and uniting the sport throughout Australia” was adopted.
The ASCF would be recognised as providing unified management of Accreditation, Racing rules, Safety standards, Specifications and Training, for speedway sedan racing in Australia.
In 2006, the ASCF as part of the restructure, would become Speedway Sedans Australia, after two years of debate. National Titles at the same meeting of 2006, would also change, moving from a 5 Heat Format and one Final, to a 4 Heat Format, with three Finals, to give drivers who may have had an issue in the heats, still an opportunity to make the final. This would be never so true, than the National Street Stock Title of 2010, which saw Jamie Oldfield of Western Australia, win all three finals to win the Australian Title. One year later Max Clarke almost replicated Oldfield, by coming from the C Main and B Main to win the A Main.
2006 would be a big year, with the www.salooncar.com website turned off, and www.speedwaysedans.com created to provide more information for both competitors and the public. The website unfortunately didn’t keep pace with the rest of the world, until Jason Crowe of Western Australia put up his hand in 2008 to update the site, with a position created in 2009.
In 2009 a friend of Jason’s was not able to get to the Australian Super Sedan Title in Lismore, and wanted to know if it could be broadcast on the internet. With no cables or gadgetry to do the job, a trip to a local computer store, would change the way Speedway could be heard into the future. From its humble beginnings of a maximum of 50 people listening to the first broadcast, live Internet Broadcasts are now expected every weekend, with the popularity showing no signs of abating, with more than 900 IP addresses logged in to the 2011 Australian Street Stock Title.
In 2011 a sixth category was added to the Speedway Sedans Australia family. 4 Cylinder Sedans, who were already existing on the East Coast, predominantly in Queensland and Northern New South Wales, were adopted by the SSA as the availability of this car on the Australian roads, would be readily available for potential competitors, and easily recognisible to the public.
After eight years as CEO Neil Sayer was defeated in a ballot by Paul Gannon at the AGM held in September 2011.
In 2012, Jarrod Harper wins arguably the best ever Super Sedan Australian Title Final which after an initial stoppage on the opening lap, went the full 40 laps without a stoppage, with all 19 cars that started the restart finishing the race, with only two cars lapped in the entire race. Harper defeated Lachlan Onley, Matt Pascoe and Wayne Randall who were all fighting for the lead in the last 10 laps.
In 2013, the Super Sedan Australian Title Final went one better, with not one stoppage in the 40 lap main event, with all twenty cars finishing.
The year would also see Street Stock driver, Anthony Beare of South Australia create plenty of history. Beare, based in Mt Gambier, won the Tasmanian Street Stock Title and in doing so became the first driver in Speedway Sedans Australia’s history to win a State Title in every State. A week later he would win the South Australian title, and by winning that, he became the current holder of every State Title. He would finish runner-up in the National Title, and would follow that up by winning the Victorian Title for the third year in a row, which has never been achieved before.
In May 2013, Speedway Sedans Australia accepts major sponsorship deal with Lucas Oil Products to support Junior Sedan racing.
In September 2013, Tasmanian President Greg Lynd was elected as the CEO of Speedway Sedans Australia, deposing Paul Gannon, who served a two year term in a secret ballot.
On 15 November 2013, Live Online Nominations were accepted for the first time for National Titles.
April 2014, Speedway Sedans Australia created more history with the first live streaming on the internet of a National Sedan Title, with courtesy of Power Productions, with the broadcast of the Australian Super Sedan Tilte. Meanwhile, Speedway Sedans Australia’s flagship Live Audio became so popular, a second channel was created, to give listeners more options.
In October 2015, Speedway Sedans Australia reached an agreement with beyondblue, to help raise awareness of anxiety, depression and suicide.
The Australian Street Stock Title in 2016 broke all records in Australian Speedway, with the largest ever nomination list, with 139 drivers entering for the event held at the Redline Raceway, Ballarat. The resultant finish will go down as the greatest finish of all time, with Anthony Beare defeating Brad McClure by a mere 0.019 of a second, the closest of all time in National Title history.
2002-03 Todd Waddell (WA) Carl Dowling (WA) David Nylander (WA) Collie, WA
2003-04 Todd Waddell (WA) Jason McIver (NT) Jamie Veal (VIC) Simpson, VIC
2004-05 Todd Waddell (WA) Curran Short (WA) Jason McIver (NT) Murray Bridge, SA
2005-06 Kyle Spicer (WA) Kristopher Coyle (WA) Dayne Kingshott (WA) Arunga Park, NT
2006-07 Chris Hayden (SA) Adrian Cottrell (SA) Kyle Spicer (WA) Maryborough, QLD
2007-08 Kyle Spicer (WA) Joel Chadwick (SA) Damon Lyall (WA) Albany, WA
2008-09 Charlie Brown (QLD) Ty Galley (VIC) Michael Gorman (VIC) Mildura, VIC
2009-10 Cody Maroske (QLD) Mitch Whiting (VIC) Michael Gorman (VIC) Latrobe, TAS
2010-11 Mitchell Hade (WA) Michael Gorman (VIC) Aaron Hancock (WA) Murray Bridge, SA
2011-12 Nick Cockerill (VIC) Corey Lincoln (VIC) Tim Smith (QLD) Arunga Park, NT
2012-13 Jayden Peacock (QLD) Dion Bellman (VIC) Johnny Terriaca (WA) Mackay, QLD
2013-14 Michael Learoyd (QLD) Matthew Iwanow (WA) Patrick Brennan (QLD) Esperance, WA
2014-15 Brock Atkins (VIC) Jack Gartner (SA) Matty Smith (QLD) Mildura, VIC
2015-16 Todd Atkins (VIC) Ardie Jonic (QLD) Brock Atkins (VIC) Carrick, TAS
2016-17 Angus Hollis (VIC) Jackson Lunt (VIC) Ardie Jonic (QLD) Mt Gambier, SA
2017-18 Ardie Jonic (QLD) Nathan Thorne (SA) Casey O’Connell (QLD) Northline, NT
2018-19 Ardie Jonic (QLD) Braith Hogan (QLD) Todd Moule (VIC) Maryborough, QLD
2019-20 Mitchell Baker (WA) Drew Flatman (SA) Brody Day (WA) Collie, WA
*Closest Winning Margin: 2009, Charlie Brown 0.113
Season 1st 2nd 3rd Venue
1971-72 Kevin Dalton (VIC) Alan Butcher (QLD) David House (NSW) Canberra, ACT
1972-73 David House (NSW) Peter Crick (NSW) Paul Ash (NSW) Liverpool, NSW
1973-74 David Wignall (NSW) Russell Hoffman (QLD) David House (NSW) Northern Park, VIC
1974-75 David House (NSW) Kevin Drew (QLD) Neville Harper (TAS) Toowoomba, QLD
1975-76 Grenville Anderson (NSW) Peter Timberlake (VIC) David House (NSW) Rowley Park, SA
1976-77 Allan Blake (WA) Merv Hargreaves (QLD) Howie Fiedler (QLD) Carrick, TAS
1977-78 Grenville Anderson (NSW) Frank Ashmore (VIC) Ben Ludlow (WA) Claremont, WA
1978-79 Russell Hoffman (QLD) Grenville Anderson (NSW) Phil Marshall (QLD) Toowoomba, QLD
1979-80 Grenville Anderson (NSW) Nev Pezutti (NSW) Daran Munro (QLD) Bagot Park, NT
1980-81 Alan Butcher (QLD) Adrian Anderson (NSW) John Leslight (NSW) Newcastle, NSW
1981-82 John Cartwright (NSW) Cees Hendriks (TAS) John Leslight (NSW) Brooklyn, VIC
1982-83 (1) Cees Hendriks (TAS) Graham Lilford (NSW) Chas Kelly (TAS) Avalon, VIC
1982-83 (2) Paul O’Neill (NSW) Cees Hendriks (TAS) Chas Kelly (TAS) Premier, VIC
1982-83 (3) John Cartwright (NSW) Cees Hendriks (TAS) Graham Lilford (NSW) Speedway Park, SA
1982-83 (Overall) Cees Hendriks (TAS) Graham Lilford (NSW) Chas Kelly (TAS)
Name was then changed from National Super Sedan – Open Division to Super Sedans
1983-84 Chris Blunden (SA) Steve Stewart (SA) Gary Chippendall (VIC) Speedway Park, SA
1984-85 Tony Grinstead (VIC) Peter Timberlake (VIC) Gary Chippendall (VIC) Brooklyn, VIC
1985-86 Peter Aylett (TAS) Mark Weaver (VIC) Kym Cottrell (SA) Speedway Park, SA
1986-87 Michael Long (TAS) Peter Aylett (TAS) Gary Reuter (SA) New Norfolk, TAS
1987-88 Ian Marshall (QLD) John Pyne (NSW) Tony Broso (NSW) Archerfield, QLD
1988-89 John Singleton (WA) Peter Brook (WA) Peter Drew (SA) Claremont, WA
1989-90 John Pyne (NSW) Peter Garratt (NSW) Stu Robertson (NSW) Newcastle, NSW
1990-91 Tony Grinstead (VIC) Wayne Randall (QLD) Nick Girdlestone (QLD) Bendigo, VIC
1991-92 Brad Scotcher (SA) John Leslight (NSW) Allan Baker (NSW) Speedway Park, SA
1992-93 Grenville Anderson (NSW) Allan Baker (NSW) Ron Pyne (NSW) Latrobe, TAS
1993-94 John McGeorge (QLD) Ron Pyne (NSW) John Pyne (NSW) Archerfield, QLD
1994-95 Ron Pyne (NSW) John Leslight (NSW) Ian Marshall (QLD) Claremont, WA
1995-96 John Pyne (NSW) Steve Francis (USA) Stuart Robertson (NSW) Newcastle, NSW
1996-97 Peter Logue (VIC) John Pyne (NSW) Robert Gray (WA) Darwin, NT
1997-98 Mick Nicola (VIC) Allan Baker (NSW) Peter Logue (VIC) Warrnambool, VIC
1998-99 Ron Pyne (NSW) Darren Kane (TAS) Mick Nicola (VIC) Mt Gambier, SA
1999-00 Ron Pyne (NSW) Darren Kane (TAS) Bill Miller (SA) New Norfolk, TAS
2000-01 Peter Logue (VIC) Allan Baker (NSW) John Pyne (NSW) Rockhampton, QLD
2001-02 Mick Nicola (VIC) Peter Logue (VIC) Jamie McHugh (QLD) Albany, WA
2002-03 Mick Nicola (VIC) John Leslight (NSW) Wayne Brims (QLD) Parramatta, NSW
2003-04 Darren Kane (QLD) Jarrod Harper (TAS) David Nichols (TAS) Murray Bridge, SA
2004-05 Kevin Purton (TAS) Mick Nicola (VIC) Jarrod Harper (TAS) Latrobe, TAS
2005-06 Kevin Purton (TAS) John Leslight (NSW) Lucas Roberts (VIC) Toowoomba, QLD
2006-07 Michael Gee (QLD) Marc Giancola (WA) Wayne Randall (QLD) Perth Motorplex, WA
2007-08 Jamie McHugh (QLD) Steve Jordan (QLD) Jarrod Harper (TAS) Mildura, VIC
2008-09 Darren Kane (QLD) Wayne Brims (NSW) Brad Smith (TAS) Lismore, NSW
2009-10 Jamie McHugh (QLD) Dave Gartner (SA) Wayne Randall (QLD) Speedway City, SA
2010-11 Steve Jordan (QLD) Jamie McHugh (QLD) Darrren Kane (QLD) Latrobe, TAS
2011-12 Jarrod Harper (TAS) Lachlan Onley (NSW) Matt Pascoe (QLD) Archerfield, QLD
2012-13 Matt Pascoe (QLD) Lachlan Onley (NSW) Jamie Oldfield (WA) Perth Motorplex, WA
2013-14 Kodee Brown (WA) Lachlan Onley (NSW) Darren Kane (QLD) Murray Bridge, SA
2014-15 Matt Pascoe (QLD) Kodee Brown (WA) Darren Kane (QLD) Latrobe, TAS
2015-16 Callum Harper (TAS) Dave Gartner (SA) Darren Kane (QLD) Rockhampton, QLD
2016-17 Darren Kane (QLD) Dave Gartner (SA) Matt Pascoe (QLD) Albany, WA
2017-18 Callum Harper (TAS) Matt Pascoe (QLD) Darren Kane (QLD) Valvoline Raceway NSW
2018-19 Matt Pascoe (QLD) Callum Harper (TAS) Darren Kane (QLD) Moama, VIC
2019-20 Darren Kane (QLD) Ryan Alexander (SA) Matt Pascoe (QLD) Mt Gambier, SA
*Closest Winning Margin: 2020, Darren Kane 0.360
Season 1st 2nd 3rd Venue
1974-75 Ian Coatsworth (VIC) Bill Henderson (QLD) Ian Fenton (VIC) Warrnambool, VIC
1975-76 Ron Fidge (VIC) Henry Fenton (VIC) Bill Aurisch (VIC) Bendigo, VIC
1976-77 Phil Pike (QLD) Reg Raby (QLD) Harry Brazier (QLD) Rockhampton, QLD
1977-78 Bill Anderson (VIC) Colin McMaster (VIC) Max Carlin (VIC) Bendigo, VIC
1978-79 Harry Brazier (QLD) Max Carlin (VIC) Bill Anderson (VIC) Toowoomba, QLD
1979-80 Arthur Wiedon (QLD) Harry Brazier (QLD) Lester Baguley (QLD) Rosedale, VIC
1980-81 Arthur Wiedon (QLD) Arthur Brown (VIC) Harry Brazier (QLD) Whyalla, SA
1981-82 Harry Brazier (QLD) Alan Uren (VIC) Bruce Evans (QLD) Lismore, NSW
1982-83 Peter Gilligan (VIC) Harry Brazier (QLD) Kim Kileen (SA) Bendigo, VIC
1983-84 Arthur Wiedon (QLD) Peter Jacobson (VIC) Mark Pagel (QLD) Maryborough, QLD
Name was then changed from Standard Saloons to Modified Production Sedans
1984-85 Arthur Wiedon (QLD) Peter Jacobson (VIC) Harry Brazier (QLD) Broken Hill, NSW
1985-86 Bob Worling (NSW) Len Kennedy (QLD) Greg Raymont (QLD) Whyalla, SA
1986-87 Peter Jacobson (VIC) Paul Geritz (QLD) Greg Atkins (VIC) Nyora, VIC
1987-88 Len Kennedy (QLD) Greg Atkins (VIC) Dave Wilson (NSW) Albany, WA
1988-89 Ross Brims (NSW) Ian Brims (NSW) Greg Raymont (QLD) Mildura , VIC
1989-90 Lester Clements (NSW) Max Carlin (VIC) Laurie Fitzgerald (QLD) Toowoomba, QLD
1990-91 Dave Redman (SA) Ross Brims (NSW) Peter Evans (SA) Renmark, SA
1991-92 Bob Worling (NSW) Chris Fing (QLD) Max Carlin (VIC) Carrick, TAS
1992-93 Peter Jacobson (VIC) Bob Worling (NSW) Max Carlin (VIC) Hamilton, VIC
1993-94 Bob Worling (NSW) Wayne Millman (WA) Richard Nelson (WA) Bunbury, WA
1994-95 Ian Brims (QLD) Peter McCarthy (VIC) Daran Munro (QLD) Canberra, ACT
1995-96 Chris Fing (QLD) Max Carlin (VIC) Mark Pagel (QLD) Toowoomba, QLD
1996-97 Peter Jacobson (VIC) Paul Egan (NSW) Peter McCarthy (VIC) Murray Bridge, SA
1997-98 Greg Worling (NSW) Trevor Mills (VIC) Andrew Harrison (NSW) Carrick, TAS
1998-99 Gary Pagel (QLD) Trevor Mills (VIC) Chris Waters (VIC) Mildura, VIC
1999-00 Ashley Parkinson (VIC) Ben Ellement (WA) Greg Freeman (WA) Albany, WA
2000-01 Jason Jolley (NSW) Trevor Mills (VIC) Ben Ellement (WA) Lismore, NSW
2001-02 Gary Brown (QLD) Peter Lack (QLD) Todd Doyle (QLD) Toowoomba, QLD
2002-03 Peter Lack (QLD) Ashley Parkinson (VIC) Greg Worling (NSW) Murray Bridge, SA
2003-04 Peter Lack (QLD) Shane Best (SA) Steve Thomsen (QLD) Albany, WA
2004-05 Peter Lack (QLD) Todd Doyle (QLD) Greg Raymont (QLD) Lismore, NSW
2005-06 Justin Drew (VIC) Ashley Parkinson (VIC) Wayne Miles (QLD) Murray Bridge, SA
2006-07 Todd Doyle (QLD) Ashley Parkinson (VIC) Anthony Wilson (VIC) Avalon, VIC
2007-08 Todd Doyle (QLD) Andrew Blackwell (VIC) Greg Worling (NSW) Maryborough, QLD
2008-09 Mark Carlin (VIC) Brendan Selleck (WA) Lindsay McAuley (WA) Albany, WA
2009-10 Andrew Blackwell (VIC) Steve Price (QLD) Aidan Raymont(QLD) Latrobe, TAS
2010-11 Max Clarke (NSW) Matt Swarbrooke(QLD) Greg Worling (NSW) Lismore, NSW
2011-12 David Smith (VIC) Nathan Macdonald (QLD) Wayne Ramsdale (VIC) Mildura VIC
Name changed to Modified Sedans
2012-13 Aidan Raymont (QLD) Nathan Macdonald (QLD) Gavin Lorensen (QLD) Toowoomba, QLD
2013-14 Mark Carlin (VIC) Aidan Raymont (QLD) Kye Blight (WA) Albany, WA
2014-15 Mark Carlin (VIC) Kye Blight (WA) David Jacobi (NSW) Carrick, TAS
2015-16 Brett Baxter (QLD) Max Clarke (NSW) Gavin Fletcher (QLD) Lismore, NSW
2016-17 Matty Smith (QLD) Tim Atkin (QLD) Nick Cockerill (VIC) Murray Bridge, SA
2017-18 Cameron Waters (VIC) Kye Walters (VIC) Aidan Raymont(QLD) Horsham, VIC
2018-19 Kye Walters (VIC) Aidan Raymont (QLD) Mark Raymont (QLD) Kingaroy, QLD
2019-20 Carrick, TAS
*Closest Winning Margin: 2008, Todd Doyle 0.194
2000-01 John Higgins (VIC) Ron Belfield (WA) Glen Jefferies (NSW) Mildura, VIC
2001-02 Stephen Laidlaw (VIC) John Higgins (VIC) Murray Iwanow (WA) Esperance, WA
2002-03 Stephen Laidlaw (VIC) Wayne Logue (VIC) David Lowe (WA) Rosedale, VIC
2003-04 Ron Belfield (WA) Darren Blight (WA) Brendan Condren (WA) Collie, WA
2004-05 Paul Sheen (VIC) Robbie Faux (VIC) Darren McCarthy (VIC) Mildura, VIC
2005-06 Ron Belfield (WA) Murray Iwanow (WA) Richard Nelson (WA) Albany, WA
2006-07 Andrew Harrison (NSW) Robbie Faux (VIC) Ron Belfield (WA) Mildura,VIC
2007-08 Anthony Beare (SA) Adam Holt (Vic) Ron Belfield (WA) Mt Gambier,SA
2008-09 Christopher Lack (VIC) Clinton Jones (SA) Danny Harrison (NSW) Wangaratta, VIC
2009-10 Rod Musarra (WA) Ron Belfield ( WA) Nathan Penn (WA) Narrogin, WA
2010-11 Jacob Mills (VIC) Stephen Laidlaw (VIC) Ron Watts (NSW) Leeton, NSW
2011-12 Title Not Held
2012-13 Matt Noakes (WA) Glenn Hoskins (WA) Stephen Laidlaw (VIC) Collie, WA
2013-14 Tim Atkin (QLD)9 Kristian Walker (QLD) Michael Hamon (WA) Gympie, QLD
2014-15 Andrew Corbet (QLD) Wayne Bourke (NSW) Paul Whyte (NSW) Dubbo, NSW
2015-16 Tim Green (WA) Kane McDiarmid (WA) Jacky Moroney (WA) Moora, WA
2016-17 Trevor Mills (NSW) Jacob Mills (NSW) Kane McDiarmid (WA) Wahgunyah VIC
2017-18 Trevor Mills (NSW) Jarrod Peacock (QLD) Kev Young (QLD) Maryborough QLD
2018-19 Joel Berkley (QLD) Dehne Sparrow (VIC) Justin Hawkins (NSW) Hamilton VIC
*Closest Winning Margin: 2017, Trevor Mills 0.153
1989-90 Neil Hoffman (SA) Glen Watts (VIC) Bob O’Rourke (SA) Warrnambool, VIC
1990-91 Kevin Puls (WA) Murray Penn (WA) Wayne Thomson (WA) Esperance, WA
1991-92 Darren Pickert (SA) Wayne Cullenane (NT) Graeme Moule (NT) Darwin, NT
1992-93 Neil Hoffman (SA) Wayne Heinrich (SA) Mark Jennings (SA) Renmark, SA
1993-94 Todd Auton (TAS) Paul Horman (VIC) Shayne Waddington (TAS) Latrobe, TAS
1994-95 Mark Jennings (SA) Leanne Wella (SA) Wayne Thomson (WA) Mildura, VIC
1995-96 Brad Blake (WA) Brian Jackson (WA) Michael Holmes (WA) Esperance, WA
1996-97 David Gartner (SA) Rick Crambrook (NT) Stephen Schwanz (SA) Alice Springs, NT
1997-98 David Gartner (SA) Matthew Neilson (SA) Robert Gorman (VIC) Mt. Gambier, SA
1998-99 Todd Auton (TAS) Brad Kennedy (WA) Barry Edwards (SA) Latrobe, TAS
1999-00 Daniel Barton (VIC) Peter Lincoln (VIC) Mick Dann (VIC) Ballarat, VIC
2000-01 Barry Edwards (SA) Mick Dann (VIC) Wayne Thomson (WA) Collie, WA
2001-02 Mathew Neilson (SA) Jason Duell (SA) Andrew Cox (SA) Alice Springs, NT
2002-03 Steven Lines (SA) Jamie Jennings (SA) Mathew Neilson (SA) Mt. Gambier, SA
2003-04 Todd Auton (TAS) Steven Lines (SA) Greg Lynd (TAS) Latrobe, TAS
2004-05 Jamie Oldfield (WA) Jason Oldfield (WA) Warren Oldfield (WA) Bunbury, WA
2005-06 Brad McClure (VIC) Scott Bull (VIC) Anthony Beare (SA) Mildura, VIC
2006-07 Anthony Beare (SA) Jeremy Weston (SA) Donald Irving (VIC) Alice Springs, NT
2007-08 Michael Hamon (WA) Troy Neilson (VIC) Matt Amato (WA) Murray Bridge, SA
2008-09 Brad McClure (VIC) Mick Dann (VIC) Troy Russell (TAS) Carrick, TAS
2009-10 Jamie Oldfield (WA) Troy Neilson (VIC) Damien Amato (WA)Ellenbrook, WA
2010-11 Brad McClure (VIC) Michael Clarke (VIC) Robert Wakefield (WA) Mildura, VIC
2011-12 Michael Hamon (WA) Mick Dann (Vic) Steven Gartner (SA) Darwin, NT
2012-13 Robbie Faux (VIC) Anthony Beare (SA) Jason Duell (SA) Mt Gambier, SA
2013-14 Robbie Faux (VIC) Michael Clarke (VIC) Matt Templar (TAS) Carrick, TAS
2014-15 Anthony Beare (SA) Brad McClure (VIC) Mick Dann (VIC) Kalgoorlie, WA
2015-16 Anthony Beare (SA) Brad McClure (VIC) Mark Gartner (SA) Redline, VIC
2016-17 Rhys Heinrich (SA) Lenny Bates (VIC) John Lodge (NSW) Kingaroy, QLD
2017-18 Anthony Beare (SA) Corey Sandow (VIC) Carey Weston (SA) Adelaide Motorsport Park, SA
2018-19 Anthony Beare (SA) Mick Dann (VIC) Darren Giacometti (VIC), Mildura, VIC
*Closest Winning Margin: 2016 Anthony Beare 0.019
News Articles /
Image Courtesy of the Albany Speedway. Broome based competitor Jorj Park has claimed a dominate win in the 2025 Star Auto Parts Albany Production 5000 last night at the Attwell Park Speedway in Western Australia. Park claimed the victory in the thirty lap main event...
Press Release Courtesy of Super Sedans Tasmania. Thirty one drivers are set to contest the 2025 Buckby Motors Tasmanian Super Sedan Title at Cranes Combined Carrick Speedway this coming Friday and Saturday night. Queensland’s Brad Pascoe headlines a stout field as he...
Press Release Courtesy of Speedway Sedans Western Australia. The Star Auto Parts Production Sedan 5,000 has brought out the who's who of Production Sedans racing as the states best head to the Albany Speedway Club this Saturday Night. The Star Auto Parts Production...
Press Release Courtesy of Luke Nichols JJ Hamilton has won an absolutely thrilling Ian Boettcher Classic and round two of the NSSS National Super Sedan Series at Hi-Tec Oils Toowoomba Speedway. The Toowoomba venue copped more than forty five millimetres of rain on the...
Images Courtesy of 44 Photography. Queensland's Aidan Raymont has powered to victory in the sixth running of the Toowoomba Steering & Suspension T-Bar Nationals held last night at the Hi-Tec Oils Toowoomba Speedway. Raymont bested over fifty Modified Sedans who...
Press Release Courtesy of the Super Sedan Association. Matty Pascoe has claimed his first victory of the season in round eight of the McCosker Super Sedan Series at Gympie Speedway. Matt Williams continued his good form from the second night of the Firecracker 50 in...