Author- Allan Smallwood SSA Media
The Esperance Speedway Association located seven hundred kilometres South East of Perth In Western Australia are incredibly going to have one last race meeting for the 2019/2020 season.
Saturday 27th June 2020 will see the running of the annual South East Open Championships, a time honoured event in the club’s history which was originally meant to of been held earlier in the season.
Competitors from around Western Australia are beginning to make preparations to return to racing in the coming weeks as COVID-19 restrictions continue to ease.
Esperance Speedway Association Publicity Officer Josh Macalpine explains how the club are eager to get racing again. “After having to cancel our last show on the 28th March we were all thinking that was it for the season. But as Stage Three Restrictions were introduced the phone calls and messages started and we now find ourselves going racing in Esperance in June”.
Macalpine goes on to explain further the prestige of the South East Open Championships, “Its an event that all our local racers want to win, not only for the bragging rights but for the nostalgia of getting your name on the honour board”.
The Esperance Speedway Association will release information on how to nominate for the event on the their Facebook Page. At this stage it will be open to competitors plus one crew, Esperance Speedway Association members, Season Pass Holders, Officials and Volunteers.
To comply with the three hundred person limit the event won’t be open to the general public but that could possibly change as an announcement on whether further restrictions will be eased is scheduled for Monday 22nd June 2020.
We will continue to bring you stories of Speedway Sedans Australia categories returning to racing at venues across the country in the months ahead as the sport plays its part on the road to recovery.