Super Sedan Series At Nowra Saturday

by | Nov 13, 2017 | Latest News

Author : Jason Crowe – SSA Media

Super Sedans return to Nowra for the second round of the GJ Gardner Homes Series, with a small yet competitive field set to do battle on Saturday night.

The night will also feature the opening round of the Development Series with six drivers entered.

Lachlan Onley was the runner up in the opening round of the series, and heads the line-up with Andrew White, Darren Anning, Bernie Roberts, Daryl Moon and Paul Kranitis all entered.

Racing commences at 6.00pm EDST

NSW GJ Gardner Super Sedan Series, Round 2
N17 Lachlan Onley
N23 Andrew White
N34 Darren Anning
N44 Bernie Roberts
N47 Daryl Moon
N57 Paul Kranitis

Super Sedan Development Series, Round 1
N5 Darrel Bice
N7 Mark Sommers
N8 Glen Stoddard
N10 Ian Neilson
N18 Scotty Haines
N67 Steve Johnson