by | Dec 3, 2020 | QLD, SSA Street Stocks

SSA Street Stocks will have their chance to contest a two events in succession over the holiday period, with the twin city challenge concept being announced. 

Maryborough Speedway will host a Street Stock event on Friday 1 January as part of the Kurt Murdoch Classic for Production Sedans. A massive field of sedans is expected to be part of the two day event, that also features Street Stocks.

The very next night, Street Stocks will travel to Hi-Tec Oils Toowoomba Speedway for the Summer Shootout. The local sedan club is currently finalizing the payout on the night, but it’s expected an impressive array of trophies, awards and prize money will be on offer for this event. The Modified Sedan New Year’s Cup and the opening round of the Super Seven’s Sprintcar Series are also scheduled on 2 January in Toowoomba. 

Nominations for both events are now open. 

Drivers can nominate for Maryborough via their website, while drivers wishing to nominate for Toowoomba can message Ryan Harris directly.

While there is no overall prize money for contesting both events, both race meetings will have individual payouts and formats. This event gives Street Stocks the opportunity to pick up two race meetings in succession, before all preparing to head to Kingaroy later that month for the annual Kings Royal weekend. 

The dates:
1 January: Maryborough Speedway
2 January: Toowoomba (Summer Shootout)