by | Jul 19, 2023 | Latest News

Official Release- Wednesday 19th July 2023.

Speedway Sedans Australia board in maintaining the Technical Portfolio have reviewed and considered the opportunities available in establishing a framework and in turn a model that will see a shift in the current SSA Technical structure, a new revised portfolio that will allow for a greater opportunity for stakeholder involvement around rules and specification, and importantly further opportunities for a greater resourced information and compliance portal for SSA stakeholders insight of the maintenance of all SSA Classes.

Moving forward and effectively through this month has seen the previous structure of the National Technical Committee, along with the CTAC Committees extinguished and the welcome of a dual committee modelled structure.

The first committee known as the Technical and Specification Committee (TASC) ultimately focused on research, development, and technical specification for all classes of the SSA and the second committee commonly known as the Technical Rules and Compliance Committee (TRACC) primarily tasked with compliance, assurance, information material, tooling resources and its delivery of technical ruling and specifications.

The Technical Rules and Compliance Committee (TRACC) will transition with member positions held by all SSA State and Territory Technical Representatives currently appointed by State and Territory branches of the SSA and may include assistant State and Territory technical personnel in forming this committee.

With the formation of the Technical and Specification Committee (TASC), Speedway Sedans Australia are now able to and are calling for expressions of interest from the broader sedan community and those associated stakeholders in complimenting this committee with the appointment of four additional committee members.

Now is the time for you to take a place on this committee and contribute to the research, the development, and the maintenance of all technical specifications for SSA Classes and all respective stakeholders.

If you have a passion and a desire to provide advice on and facilitate association awareness on modelling the future and its sustainability, spearhead reliability improvement across specification and technical performance whilst balancing all SSA Classes in a team environment then Speedway Sedans Australia look forward to hearing from you.

Applications will close on Wednesday the 2nd of August 2023, for further information and/or the opportunity to apply, please contact SSA CEO Greg Lynd on 0407055152 or SSA Technical Board Member Benny Taylor on 0400559125 or alternatively you can email the Speedway Sedans Australia directly at office@speedwaysedans.com.

Ends Release.