by | Jul 13, 2022 | SSA Junior Sedans

Official Release- Wednesday 13th July 2022.

To SSA Junior Sedan Competitors- Registered Car Owners- Affiliated Clubs- SSA State Branches.

SSA Junior Sedan Competitor- Age Limit Rule (1st July 2022)Speedway Sedans Australia wish to release the following on the ruling surrounding age limits of competitors effective from the 1st July 2022 date for SSA Junior Sedan competition.

The SSA has now in response to the inconsistent communications throughout the organisation and through to the respective stakeholders as per the ruling applied in March 2021 with implementation from the 1st July 2022, with further consideration undertaken now wish to advise of the below.

Speedway Sedans Australia, throughout the remainder of this season (July 1st 2022 until June 30th 2023) will allow 16-year-old correctly licenced competitors to compete in SSA Junior Sedans until such time they turn 17 years of age. No other age limit rulings for SSA Junior competition are affected.

Through taking ownership of the said misunderstandings of the roll out of the given rule change, Speedway Sedans Australia will work with Speedway Australia to alleviate any further confusion around age limits, licence time frames and as importantly all scripted rule wordings as per SSA Policy and the Australian Speedway Racing Rules and Regulations.

Therefore, on the behalf of Speedway Sedans Australia I extend our sincere apologises to all around any confusion and misinformed information associated throughout this entire matter and extend the very best to everyone for this season.

Greg Lynd

CEO- Speedway Sedans Australia

Ends Release.