by | Dec 20, 2020 | SSA Junior Sedans, SSA Production Sedans, SSA Street Stocks, WA

Images by Peter Roebuck

Leading WA Production Sedan competitor Kyle Sayer has won his fourth feature race win in succession by taking out the annual Christmas Cup held last night at the Make Smoking History Collie Speedway.

Sayer won the main event by over six seconds in the fifteen lap encounter with many of his rivals failing to go the distance.

Collie local Damon Thomson survived a dramatic SSA Street Stock feature race which saw only three competitors classified as finishers.

Cody Avins and newcomer Jack Hunter rounded out the podium after Ethan Genev hit the wall heavily on lap two before Paul Briggs retired from the race with a flat left rear tyre.

The SSA Street Stock feature race was brought to a premature end on lap eleven when Mark McDonald rolled heavily on the back straight.

Brandon & Jaxon Buszan each took home victory in their respective SSA Junior Sedan feature races, with the Top Stars seeing some great battles throughout the night.

Jaxon Buszan

The Make Smoking History Collie Speedway takes a break from Speedway Sedan racing until early February when the 2020/2021 SSA Modified Sedans WA State Title is held at the venue.

Official Results

SSA Production Sedans Feature Race, 15 Laps- 1. W95 Kyle Sayer, 2. W41 Rickie Nuccini, 3. W88 Shane Brittain, 4. W98 Jayden Maughan, 5. W28 Michael Clark, 6. W9 Mitchell Baker, 7. W26 Rob Trenaman, 8. W57 Kelsey Beard (14), 9. W111 Tom Wilde (14), 10. W42 Bev Brewer (13). DNF: W5 Josh Fraser (7), W86 Wayne Leviston (6). DNS: V1 Beau Riley, W48 Matthew Jones, W60 Richard Nelson, W84 Jamie Higgs, W181 Barry Rose. Total Time: 5.16.113. Winning Margin: 6.128. Fastest Lap: 20.610 W95 Kyle Sayer.

SSA Street Stocks Feature Race, 15 Laps- 1. W10 Damon Thomson, 2. W31 Cody Avins, 3. W74 Jack Hunter. DNF: W7 Mark McDonald (11), W12 Paul Briggs (3), W4 Ethan Genev (2). DQ: W68 Justin Hurst, W318 Freddy Kinsella. DNS: W16 Colin Metcalfe, W28 James Westerman, W50 Gavin Yates, W51 Justin Melhuish, W69 Paul Joss, W95 Brodie Whiting. Total Time: No Time. Winning Margin: Declared. Fastest Lap: 21.448 W4 Ethan Genev.

SSA Top Star Junior Sedans Feature Race, 12 Laps- 1. W198 Brandon Buszan, 2. W95 Kayne Dellar, 3. W66 Seth Hinsey, 4. W87 Riley Hanson, 5. W9 Ziggy Phillips, 6. W43 Jorja Davies (11), 7. W64 Makayla Hinsey (11), 8. W40 Vince Lindsay (11), 9. W25 Alyvia Ferraro (11). DNF: W49 Jasmin Kennedy (3). Total Time: 4.22.617. Winning Margin: 2.553. Fastest Lap: 21.487 W198 Brandon Buszan.

SSA New Star Junior Sedans Feature Race, 10 Laps- 1. W199 Jaxon Buszan, 2. W83 Kai Leeson, 3. W63 Fletcher Milentis, 4. W18 Harrison Beres, 5. W8 Thomas Host (9), 6. W33 Teliah Bosley (8), 7. W88 Hudson Gallegos (7). DNF: W70 Jake Leaman (8). DNS: W8 David Hough, W17 Levi Crowe, W31 Jesse James Samuels. Total Time: 3.45.816. Winning Margin: Not Available. Fastest Lap: 22.084 W199 Jaxon Buszan.