by | Jul 21, 2020 | SSA Junior Sedans, SSA Street Stocks, VIC

Author- Speedway Sedans Victoria

Speedway Sedans Victoria regret to announce in conjunction with the respective host Clubs Hamilton Speedway Drivers Club and Alexandra & District Speedway that the 2019/20 SSV Street Stock Victorian Title and 2019/20 SSV Junior Sedan Victorian Title have been cancelled and will not be rescheduled.

With the current worsening COVID19 situation in Victoria the Speedway Sedans Victoria Committee had to take into consideration the safety of the public and the competitors as well as our own officials.

Speedway Sedans Victoria President Rod Meakins stated “We would really love to have these Titles go ahead but not if they are going to comprised and it looks very likely that the pandemic restrictions and hard border closures will continue on for some time yet. Our first priority is and must always be the safety of everybody involved. These Titles deserve to be the highlight in the Victorian Season for these competitors and Clubs and not a financial burden to everybody.

Let’s draw a line in the sand and put those Titles behind us and look forward to the current season and work with what we have and make that a successful season going forward.”

Hamilton Club President Dehne Sparrow advised “We really want to run the Street Stock Title but don’t want to if it means that car numbers will be restricted and crowd numbers capped by the State Government.”Alexandra Speedway representative Julie Kerr said that their Club had already made the hard decision to cancel two of their biggest race meetings in the last few months due to the COVID pandemic and were concerned that it would definitely impact the Junior Sedan Title depending on what restrictions were in place at that time.

Speedway Sedans Victoria is now looking forward to their new season with the following Titles:

13th March, 2021 Redline Raceway SSA Modified Sedan Victorian Title

20th March, 2021 Timmis Speedway SSA Production Sedan Victorian Title

27th March, 2021 Nyora Raceway SSA Junior Sedan Victorian Title

2nd & 3rd April, 2021 Alexandra Speedway SSA Street Stock Victorian Title

10th April, 2021 Blue Ribbon Raceway, Horsham SSA Super Sedan Victorian Title

Ends Release