Speedway Sedans Australia News
Author : Jason Crowe – SSA Media

Corey Ameduri has won the Junior Sedan Prince of the Road on Saturday night, at the Make Smoking History Collie Speedway.
Despite there only being a small field, made worse by a spectacular roll over by Erin Fraser in a heat race. Ameduri would break the twenty lap track record in the process.
Seth Hinsey would lead the first twelve laps of the race, with nothing separating the first four drivers in the field, with Ameduri trying multiple times to pass Hinsey, eventually making an outside pass to take control of the race. Bryden Southwell and Hinsey would then have a titanic struggle behind Ameduri for the minor placings.
Ameduri would go on to break the record by 2.298, with second placed Hinsey also under the existing mark.
Earlier, Matthew Thomson would thrash the opposition in the New Star main event, which would have numerous stoppages, with both Erica Vary and Jae Noonan loosing wheels at different times throughout the fifteen laps.
Top Stars
Feature, 20 laps: 1. W66 Seth Hinsey, 2. W83 Corey Ameduri, 3. W24 Aiden Doak, 4. W63 Bryden Southwell, 5. W42 Nathan Carter, 6. W11 Erin Fraser.
1. W83 Corey Ameduri, 2. W66 Seth Hinsey, 3. W63 Bryden Southwell, 4. W42 Nathan Carter, 5. W24 Aiden Doak. DNS: W11 Erin Fraser. Total Time: 7.21.752 RECORD. Winning Margin: 2.110. Fastest Lap: 21.671 W83 Corey Ameduri.
New Stars
Feature, 15 laps: 1. W23 Jae Noonan, 2.W87 Riley Beaumont, 3. W59 Erika Vary, 4. W96 Jordan Kingston, 5. W15 Matthew Thomson, 6. W43 Jorja Davies, 7. W198 Brandon Buszan, 8. W64 Mikayla Hinsey.
1. W15 Matthew Thomson, 2. W96 Jordan Kingston (13), 3. W43 Jorja Davies (13), 4. W64 Makayla Hinsey (11). DNF: W23 Jae Noonan (9), W59 Erika Vary (7), W87 Riley Beaumont (3). DNS: W198 Brandon Buszan. Total Time: No Time. Winning Margin: 2 laps. Fastest Lap: 21.527 W15 Matthew Thomson.

Erin Fraser was involved in a spectacular turn four roll over on Saturday night. Photo courtesy of Fastlane Photography