Speedway Sedans Australia News
Author : Jason Crowe – SSA Media

After a massive and successful 2019 SSA National Title campaign and along with the anticipation that continues to build for what will be a huge and exciting 2020 year of National Titles, Speedway Sedans Australia are now inviting venues to express their interest in hosting a SSA National Title for the 2020/2021 season. Furthermore and in addition the invitation will now expand for venues interested in hosting a SSA National Title throughout the season of 2021/2022.
Speedway Sedans Australia feels that in having all National Titles allocated across all five classes for the following two seasons beyond 2019/2020 will allow a significant forecast for tracks, venues, clubs and competitors in the planning, calendars and scheduling for what ultimately lies ahead.
Whilst the SSA openly invites applications from host tracks within all states and mindful in every effort of maintaining significant parity of state rotation of all SSA National Classes and their National Titles, consideration will be given to all applicants.
Therefore, we would now like to invite you to express your interest in hosting a 2020/2021 and/or a 2021/2022 SSA National Title.
Applications are available from Speedway Sedans State Secretaries with applications to close on 30 August 2019.