Jury Chasing Solid Result In Home State

by | Feb 26, 2020 | SA, SSA Super Sedans

Barossa Valley South Australia resident Kym Jury is looking forward to the prospect of contesting the 2019/2020 SSA National Super Sedan Title in his home state from the 6th-8th March 2020 at the Borderline Speedway in Mount Gambier.

Jury is currently in his fifth season in Super Sedan racing and campaigns a Dominator Chassis powered by a Dave Lee Race Engine.

A run of bad luck while contesting the big shows held in January down in Tasmania has not deteriorated Jury and his family backed team.

A fourteenth place finish in the South Australian Super Sedan State Title on Saturday Night also held at Borderline bodes well for the upcoming National Title.

Kym and his team won the best presented award at last years National Title in Moama with the S93 entry always immaculately presented whenever it hits the racetrack.

Jury would like to thank the following people for making his racing possible

Jurys Liquid Waste
Dave Lee Race Engines
Daughter Kassy
Sister Susie
Niece Sarah
Scott & Lauren

2019/2020 SSA National Super Sedan Title

Borderline Speedway
Mount Gambier, South Australia

48 nominations
6-8 March 2020

SSA Live powered by Pro 1 Race Parts will have every lap covered live and free.

News, results, photos and articles all uploaded to www.speedwaysedans.com & our social media platforms throughout the entire weekend.

Snapperific Photography Image of the S93 Dominator Chassis of Kym Jury