Gold Rush To Open Gympie Season

by | Sep 28, 2017 | Latest News

Author : Jason Crowe – SSA Media

The Corbets Group, Mothar Mountain Speedway, Gympie, opens this weekend, with a massive event to start the 2017/2018 season.

The inaugural Corbets Group Gold Rush for Modified Sedans, which will pay $3000 to the winner, has attracted drivers from as far south as Victoria for the two night event, this Saturday and Sunday nights.

Many of the big names are a part of the nomination list, including Glenn Pagel, Aidan Raymont, Gavin Fletcher, Brett Baxter along with Kye Walters and Brock Atkins from Victoria.

Nine heats and two Preliminary A Mains will be held on the opening night, followed by a further six heats and a B Main on Sunday night prior to the 35 lap A Main.

Racing commences at 5.00pm EST with events also scheduled for Junior Sedans, National 4s, Street Stock and Production Sedans.


BB2 Tim Atkin
V4 Brock Atkins
G4 Glenn Pagel
SC6 Troy Sismey
G8 Lee Steffens
SC11 Steve Blackburn
SB17 Aaron Alcock
M21 Kent Shelford
SB24 David Head
G26 Jamie O�Meara
G27 Mark Raymont
CR27 Sean Black
G28 Aidan Raymont
G29 Jessica O�Meara
SC30 Jason Dreaver
L36 David Jacobi
V36 Kellie Atkins
B42 Brett Baxter
SB42 Gavin Fletcher
V45 Kye Walters
SB54 Mick Shelford
M63 Brayden Pacey
MK68 Gary Pagel
C69 Russell Harris
SB89 TJ Horne
G97 Brad Yarrow
CR111 Peter White

Aidan Raymont set for a big season. Photo courtesy of Linda Savage