Dan Love Summer Cup At Bunbury This Saturday

by | Dec 13, 2018 | Latest News

Author : Jason Crowe – SSA Media

This Saturday night a quality field is entered for the final Dan Love Summer Cup for Street Stock, at the Make Smoking History Bunbury Speedway.

The event has been held for more than two decades and has attracted in excess of twenty drivers, including multiple winner, Wayne Thomson.

Several drivers either had nights they would rather forget, or run into trouble at an eventful Collie Championship last Saturday night, but have entered again for this Saturday night.

Wayne Thomson, Ethan Genev, Barry Rewell, Clint Hadley, Josh Martinelli and Cody Avins all failed to finish the thirty lap journey at Collie, but should be prominent at the Bunbury venue.

Racing commences at 6.00pm WST with events for Junior Sedans and Production Sedans, with Live Audio available on the Speedway Sedans Australia website on Channel 2.

Street Stock (22)

W3 Barry Rewell
W4 Ethan Genev
W5 Jeff Rogers
W6 Clint Hadley
W7 Josh Martinelli
W11 Greg Hall
W15 Wayne Thomson
W16 Clint Hadley
W16 Colin Metcalfe
W19 Jamie Terkildsen
W24 Tim Matthews
W26 David Padmore
W27 Damon Lyall
W31 Cody Avins
W38 Trevor Dace
W41 Rickie Nuccini
W47 Ray Rick
W51 Justin Melhuish
W66 Ben Norman
W70 Barry Hunter
W71 Scott Hunter
W85 Warren Oldfield

Photo: Ethan Genev
Photo courtesy of Aidan Skraha