Author : Jason Crowe – SSA Media

The opening night of the Cranes Combined Carrick Speedway can not come quick enough for at least ten Junior Sedan competitors who will debut on Saturday night.
Twenty six Junior Sedan entries have been received, the largest opening night field ever in the history of Junior Sedan competition in Tasmania.
Smattered through the long list of entries are some of the more established competitors, including Jakobe Jetson, who will be sporting a new number this season in some events.
Jetson, who is the elder statesman of Junior Sedan racing in Tasmania, will do plenty of travelling this season, competing in three State Titles outside of the Apple Isle.
We brought an interstate car, as we want to compete on the mainland this season. This car, the T77, it is a Datsun as well, we still have T7 but we are trying the T77 out this weekend and we will soon decide which car we will base interstate. We are going to compete in the Victorian Title, Queensland Title and South Australian Titles this season and a few other events in Victoria. At this stage we are not travelling to the Northern Territory, said Jetson.
Racing commences at 5.00pm EDST, with events also scheduled for Street Stock and Modified Sedans.
T2 Stevie Smith
T3 Brett Morgan
T4 Zac Wells
T5 Claire Coleman
T6 Mackenzie Williams
T8 Tarkyn Force
T10 Hannah Coleman
T19 Tayla Vimpany
T23 Braydon Kane
T25 Georgi Goss
T27 Jesse White
T32 Jacob Mckercher
T33 Kiara Mckercher
T38 Jayden Triffett
T39 Shawna Abel
T41 Cameron Tubb
T46 Paige Allison
T48 Beau Fisher
T66 Brandon Austen
T69 Brodie Kell
T73 Mitch Colgan
T76 Thomas Marlow
T77 Jakobe Jetson
T82 Kaileb Mckercher-Goss
T92 Cody Gay
T99 Ryan Kelly

Jakobe Jetson set for huge season, competing in four states. Photo courtesy of Angryman Photography.